Severus Snape Good or Bad?

Severus Snape Good or Bad?

Severus Snape is a very well know character in the Harry Potter series. Introduced in the first book as a seemingly bad guy, by the end of the book we actually know he was good all along. But as the series continues we start to see Snape as a bad guy. Many people see him as a gray character. They see him as neither good nor bad or they see him as someone who is a bad person or has a bad personality but has good intentions. While others think while he did some good things there was no reason for him to bully Harry and other students to a point where it became Neville Longbottom’s worst fear. These are a few reasons why Severus Snape is Good, and some as too why he is bad, plus a few more as to why he is a grey character.


  • The first reason as to why Severus Snape is a good person is that he saved Remus Lupin’s life at the start of the deathly hallows. Snape saw a Death Eater aim a curse at Lupin and sent a hex or jinx towards said Death Eater therefore knocking him off balance and while the curse did end up hitting George Weasley’s ear to which the ear came off, but that being said that was not nearly as bad as death.
  • Many see that as he joined the order for the second wizarding war and only told Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters what Dumbledore wanted them to know, this was his redemption to all the bad.


  • Severus Snape was a bully to his students, There is no doubt about it. He was Neville Longbottom’s greatest fear as we see in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban during Lupin’s class on bogarts. there is no excuse for him to be a 13-14 year olds worst fear.
  • Many people forget that he was a Death Eater and had Lily not died he would still be a Death Eater to this day.
  • While many people also like the famous word, said by Snape, ‘Always’. Most people would see his love for lily as an obsession rather than actual love. There is also in a way proof of this as James Potter’s patronus is a stag and Lily Evans’s patronus is a doe, these two complement each other, were as say a doe and a doe, this just means one likes the other so much that it clouds their inner animal.


  • Others believe that Severus Snape was neither good nor bad, and that he was the darkness that loved the light and towards the end became grey in the attempt to be with the light.
  • Severus Snape was living in a world torn by war. He was trying to survive in a world covered in darkness.


There are many reasons as to why Severus Snape is good, bad and just a complex grey character. in the end all that really matters is what you think of him. Personally I’m just off center, more to the bad side, were as my friend that I wrote this with is the opposite to me, just of center to the good side. In the end he is only human, and as humans we all make mistakes. All we can do to avoid these things happening to us is to learn from other people’s mistakes and from our own. Learn from the books you read, someday if not today they will help you.

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